what does it mean to live a spirit filled life
How would you describe your current feel as a Christian? Growing? Frustrated? Disappointing? Fulfilled? Freeing? Stuck? Struggling? Joyful? Defeated? Exciting? Up and down?
Practice you want more than?Jesus said, "Anyone who is thirsty may come up to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his centre.'" (When he said "living water," he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone assertive in him. Only the Spirit had non even so been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory)" (John 7:37b-39, NLT).
Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would satisfy the thirst and deepest longings of all who believe in him. Jesus has so much more to offering you today. Merely to experience information technology, you'll need to accept a look at what yous've been living for. Would you answer "yep" to these questions?
- Have you received Jesus into your life through faith? (If you can't remember a time when yous gave your life to Jesus, please read this).
- Are you totally committed to Jesus?
- Are you depending on the Holy Spirit everyday and obeying God in his forcefulness?
Serving Jesus is non their top priority. They grow very fiddling in faith and often alive in frustration considering they do not listen to the Spirit or trust him to empower them to obey.
They may go to church building, but Jesus is non leading their life. They take invited Jesus into their life, simply possessions, desires, and interests are not Christ-centered.
They might say:
- "I'one thousand doing OK. No ane's perfect."
- "I'll get serious about Jesus ane day."
- "I feel stuck doing the aforementioned sins over and over."
- "The Holy Spirit doesn't feel real to me."
- "I don't have much joy in my Christian life."
The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, then y'all are not free to comport out your good intentions (Galatians 5:17, NLT).
These Christians take placed Jesus at the centre of their life — their time, decisions, work, relationships, and everything else, are being directed by him. It all belongs to Jesus. They are growing spiritually and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit by religion.
They would pray this prayer:
"Dear Jesus, I desire y'all in the center of my life and commit to serve and obey yous through your power. Anytime. Anywhere. At whatsoever price. To do anything."
Possessions, desires, and interests are Christ-centered. They yet brand mistakes, simply they're quick to re-center their life on Christ through confession, trusting in God's forgiveness and inviting the Spirit to guide them and empower them to obey.
They would say:
- "What I want about is to follow Jesus."
- "I can't do this on my ain, and then I run to the Holy Spirit again and once again."
- "When I get sidetracked, I'm quick to make God the center again."
- "Following Jesus is bringing me more and more joy."
Then I say, permit the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then y'all won't be doing what your sinful nature craves (Galatians 5:16, NLT).
Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit's leading in every function of our lives (Galatians five:25, NLT).
When you lot centre your life on Jesus, yous begin to experience amazing joy. Life becomes full of meaning and purpose. God begins to modify you from the inside out. The all-time is yet to come. God desires to make your life more and more than abundant each day, simply to experience that you need to rely on the Holy Spirit by faith. Hither are three faith steps, with suggested prayers, that volition enable you to experience the ability of the Holy Spirit throughout the 24-hour interval.
i. Express your commitment to Jesus each morn (1 Cor 6:xix-20; James 4:seven; Romans 12:one).
"Dearest Jesus, I want you in the center of my life and commit to serve and obey you through your power. Anytime. Anywhere. At whatsoever cost. To do anything."
2. Live in the liberty of forgiveness (2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus ii:12; Colossians 1:13-fourteen).
"Dearest Jesus, I sinned against yous when I (state specific sins here). Thank y'all for forgiving me through your sacrifice on the cross. I choose to center my life on you again and life fully for you."
three. Rely on the Holy Spirit's power by faith (Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:3; 1 Corinthians 2:12).
"I tin can't exercise this lonely. Empower me through your Spirit to love yous with my whole being today and to love others with your love."
Jesus is offering you an arable, Spirit-filled life every single day. Take hold of that life by faith: keep him the center, run to him whenever you fall, trust him for everything you lot need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1.i-four). Become fully live in Jesus!
_updated August 2019
Source: https://thelife.com/the-spirit-filled-life
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